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Compliance Promotion Initiatives

Compliance Promotion

HEPCO and Hokkaido Electric Power Network established the "Compliance Code of Conduct," which mandates that corporate officers and employees be even more aware of how they should conduct themselves so they comply with laws, regulations, company rules, and corporate ethics in their respective activities and all aspects of operations.

In addition, because compliance is inseparable from business operations, the managers of departments and offices, have been appointed to serve as compliance managers (108 positions as of March 31, 2023), who coordinate their activities with the Secretariat (the HEPCO General Affairs Department's Compliance Office and Hokkaido Power Network's General Affairs Department). In each workplace, these compliance managers are central to efforts to promote greater awareness of compliance and establish proper observance in the way that personnel conduct themselves.

In addition to on-the-job training in the workplace (provided quarterly) which uses teaching materials of compiled case studies of compliance violations and other such incidents in operations as well as in private life, e-learning is offered for all employees (5,506 employees participated during the year), and compliance workshops (A total of 4,509 employees participated during the year) have been provided for each workplace and age groups with the Secretariat providing instructors (achievements recorded in FY2022).

Compliance Workshop
Compliance Workshop

Results of survey of all employees about compliance (conducted in December 2022)

Do you conduct yourself with an awareness of compliance on a daily basis? (HEPCO and Hokkaido Electric Power Network)

99.1% answered "Yes."

Initiatives to ensure full compliance

Taking into account cases of improprieties that occurred at other companies, HEPCO and Hokkaido Electric Power Network instituted a ban in April 2020 that prohibits, in principle, all executives and employees of both companies from accepting money or other valuables, and that prohibition was incorporated into the Compliance Code Handbook (which provides more detailed commentary of the Compliance Code of Conduct that presents the basic approach that each and every executive and employee of these companies shall observe in their actual conduct).

In addition, the following initiatives have been implemented to further ensure full compliance.

  • Compliance training (workshops, various e-Learning courses, etc.) has been provided that incorporate the perspective of emphasizing the expectations and trust of outside parties, including customers, shareholders and business partners.
  • During compliance training, examples of improprieties have also been cited to familiarize all personnel with appropriate work order placement.
  • Forums have been held where the executive officer in charge of compliance and compliance managers exchange views on compliance.

Support for HEPCO Group Company Activities

The Secretariat has taken the lead in promoting compliance throughout the HEPCO Group, and provided support for initiatives at HEPCO Group companies.
In addition, the Secretariat holds "Group Compliance Liaison Meetings" twice a year with compliance officers at HEPCO Group companies to exchange information. It also offers compliance workshops for HEPCO Group companies upon request.

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